Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Last night I spent the night in Molly's room. She didn't sleep most of the night. She was in pain and who knows what kind of dreams she has. She can't tell me. I came home to shower and go back, but Catherine showed up with our clean laundry. As I was putting the clothes away, I came upon Molly's favorite pants, socks and underwear. She will never wear these things again. She has no place to put underwear on to. Her muscles have atrophied from lying in a bed for a month. She can barely lift her arms, she can't lift her leg, her skin is peeling off, and she can't talk. She will never be able to wear her favorite pants again.
Somewhere out there is a limo driver walking around free because the step daughter that he molested begged a judge to reduce his bond and the judge did! I want to know why charges haven't been filed yet. What is taking so long? Mr. district attorney, there is a 17 year old girl lying in a hospital bed whose life has been ripped apart, literally and she needs some justice. I want some answers. How about a phone call to at least let us know if you even plan to file any charges??????


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never met any of you, but I read this blog everyday. I just felt compelled to tell you that even though I didn't even know you existed before this, I am praying for you. I want you to know that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and in the mean time, we should all be thanking god that we're all even alive to experience these things, both the good and bad.

1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a parent and supporter, let me echo your concern. A full investigation is vital, first as a measure of justice on Molly's behalf, also as a way to prevent further accidents in the future. To the DA's office, please hear us, please call Mrs. Bloom.

Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers,

East Mom

1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest The Bloom Family:
I am Ms. Wilson and my heart breaks for you beautiful Molly. Your family has shown such beautiful strength and courage through this horrible tragedy. I read Momma's message daily just to pray with her and give her alittle bit more spirit to conquer and love you for us from EAST HIGH. Love and strength, Jane East High Records

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am so sorry. Every day my heart aches for you all, but of course for Molly in particular. I cannot even begin to imagine the far reaching consequences of this mans' actions, and I am so sorry that you are slapped in the face with them daily. I wish I could take on some of your pain, I know that that is yet another futile thing, but if it helps any, we are here for you . . . pulling for you, praying for you, loving you, and we are also mad as hell!!

Stay strong, underwear is over rated anyway.

Tons and Buckets,


1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know God wouldn't have thrown this at Molly if He knew she couldn't handle it. Keep your spirits up, there are so many of us out there pulling for you. Love you always.

*Everything happens for a reason.*

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernie, I am also enraged. I expressed these sentiments in a letter published in the Rocky Mountain News on May 30. Why haven't any charges been filed? Why hasn't there been an arrest?

Meanwhile my prayers and love go out to all of you every day.

Judith Cohen (Becca's mom)

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi.I'm Mary, and I want you to know how sorry I am for all of you. No one should have to deal with this. Good for you for going after the DA. You deserve an answer on this travesty of justice!!!

3:07 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Everytime I read this blog, I am speechless. Whether it is by the strength of all of you, or just the fact that the girl I once went to school with, played soccer with, and was in girl scouts with, is this girl.
Molly, Ryan and I are hoping to visit you soon. He sends his best wishes as well.
For everyone hurting by this tragedy. When I was little, I saw a movie. There was one particular line that has always stuck with me and has always made me feel better. "Every story has a happy ending. If the ending isn't happy, then the story isn't over yet."
Not to bombard you with chees quotes, but another awesome quote *also my senior quote* is "Where there is cake, there's hope. And there's always cake." I hope these helped you.
I send you a hug, like always, and my best thoughts.

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, I just want to hug you and tell you it will be better but we both know that it won't. I am so sorry for you all and for Molly the most.
I respect what you are saying and your feelings are so completely justifiable, but maybe just maybe the DA is making certain that nothing falls through the cracks. Maybe just maybe he is crossing all the T's and dotting all the I's which will ensure that Molly sees that JUSTICE is served.
I know that at a time like this when hope seems lost it is hard to have faith in anything...but Bernie have faith in your strength and in your resolve. You have demonstrated the utmost level of self control to date, you have been nothing but stellar in the handling of this and so I caution you to remain so....anything could damage the case and so please be careful.
I will never claim to know what you are feeling but I have spent a good part of the month trying empathize with you and have found that I could never have handled things as well as you have. My hats off to a fellow mother who simply loves her children!

Please write in a journal for yourself, I promise it will help you a little.

Please encourage Molly to do the exercises that she has to do, and put all of her favorite clothes away and don't look back.

I love you all as much as a stranger can and I hope the days get better.


4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Molly, Bernie, Bob and Katy ~
I'm so sorry you are all having to go through this ... especially you, Molly. As a mom I can only imagine (and don't even want to go there) how painful it must be to watch your child go through such an unbelievably horrific ordeal. As you well know by now, I think, there is a city, state, country (and even world I suspect) of people who care about you even though many of us have never met you. Our hearts are breaking for you and you fill our daily thoughts and prayers ...which is so very little compared to what you are enduring. Hang in there and it's okay to be angry because you have every right to be. I know someone in the DA's office and I called them. I don't know if it will do any good but I hope maybe a little. Mostly, though, I hope you feel our love and hugs wrapped around you and continue to know that you WILL get through this.

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a parent, and an EHS one at that, I completely understand your frustration at no word yet from the DA's office as to where the investigation stands. Tell us what would be most helpful to you--do you want people to call and/or e-mail Mitch Morrissey directly and ask him or his staffers where things stand? I know I'd be happy to and am sure that hundreds would join me. I believe charges will eventually be brought(talk about a no-brainer!) but, in the meantime, they should be doing a better job keeping your family up-to-date.

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know so many times well meaning people will say God wouldn't have let this happen if the person wasn't strong enough to handle it. Please know that God did not choose this to happen to Molly - no father would and God is our heavenly Father who loves us more than anyone could fathom. The limo driver has free will and he chose very, very badly. The consequences to Molly and those who love her are horrible because of this man's choice to pull away without checking the safety of the people he was responsible for. If you give the word tons of people will flood the DA's office, please let us know. What God will do for Molly and all of you is embrace you in His love, fill you with grace and strength, comfort and touch all of you through the love of everyone this tragedy has touched. I know God is already working by healing all of you and may you always know His blessings. When you aren't strong enough, He's there loving you and He is there to lean on. God bless.

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen Bernie – you, Bob, Katy and especially Molly have every right to be angry and frustrated. I know we have been increasingly enraged each day as we’ve come to accept the challenges you all and particularly Molly has had to face. This will not be the end of this story. This community would never allow it. The kids are getting pledges for the swim-a-thon and the outpouring is tremendous. People are behind you, following the blog daily, and praying for Molly. Get mad, be mad – enraged – we are right here with you.

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Bernie,

You have every right to be angry. This whole situation sucks! But the DA has a daughter who just graduated too; I can't imagine that their family is not feeling a bit of your pain. The wheels of justice in this country can be agonizingly slow but let them work. Try to focus just on what Molly needs - that's what you can do better than anyone else - and let other people focus on the legal issues. That said, do be sure to let us know if there's any way we can help speed up the process or help you get better information.


5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we have no victims rights support here in the great City and County of Denver???

6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry...

Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Your open-ness gives strength to others. I hope that you are also strengthened and held up through the community that you've allowed to join you in your process.

I know that Molly has a lot of work to do. She is blessed to have such loving parents to support her in it.


6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel so helpless, I desperately wish I could help, and take some of the pain away from Molly. But all I can do is send countless good wishes and prayers every day to your family.

I am frustrated by the slow process of the investigation.
It took so long to interview the witnesses and now I keep waiting for word.

I will also contact the DAs office.

All I can send is hope and love.

Would a giant sheepskin help Molly's skin?

I am sending hugs and more hugs to her.

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob, Bernie, Katy, Molly,

The last couple of blogs and emails have been some fo the toughest. I wish I had some wisdom. We are praying for you and thinking about you often. Our hearts ache. Please hang in there. Of course, if you need anything, ask through Frani. We love you.

Jay, Michelle, Lindz, Jocie, JT, Rachel

8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed seeing you swim and having coached in the past know the dedication and determination that you needed to get to the level that you achieved. My prayers are with you and I would like to give you hope. While it will take dedication and determination to heal, you will live a very fullfilling life. With a little creative tailoring, you may even want to swim again. When I worked in the field of rehabilitation, it was my honor to work with some other very dedicated and determined individuals who got a little too close to bombs. They lost a lot of parts, but it never ceased to amaze me how much they were able to continue to do. Get mad, get strong, get well.

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i also check the paper daily and listen for news of charges being brought against the driver. i just hope this means the DA is carefully building the case to reach justice.

i am so sorry for the pain of each big and little loss. the underwear, pants, socks, all serve to let you grieve. get mad, get sad and don't be meek about it! molly needs to know it's okay to grieve deeply for so much that is lost. it will be the fertilizer for her growth into her future.

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Molly's Family --

I read your page every day and my heart aches for what you are all going through. I am so very proud of all of you. You have shown incredible strength in dealing with this tragedy. I cannot begin to imagine how difficult this is for you but please know that we are all praying for you and for Molly. You have lots of supporters out here. You are not alone in this and as you go through each day please remember that there are a lot of us who love you and care for you. Even if we are not there physically, we are there in spirit.

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This lack of action on the DA's part makes me as a parent question why we are teaching our children to respect the law and expect equal justice from those laws. When did this country go from being a just society; punishing criminals to protecting them? Make no mistake, what that child molesting, lazy idiot did was criminal. How many more childrens' lives does he get to destroy? Regardless of the fact that his victim now is defending him, he is not a decent human and how many other victims is he responsible for? What I'd really like to know is this: just WHAT was he doing in that front seat that he couldn't bother to look out his mirrors before he started moving that night? Any bets it wasn't paying attention to driving?

Be angry, Bernie. You and Bob and Katy and especially Molly all have the right to feel that. Usually I feel that life itself tends to even things out, but not in this case.

Mr. DA, just who are you supposed to be serving? Stop trying to blame Molly for this. All she did was try to follow a friend into a limo she belonged in that night. How was YOUR daughter's prom night? Magical? Molly's was a ngihtmare come true. WHEN DOES SHE GET JUSTICE? After the idiot figures out staying around ISN'T a great idea?

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must admit. Hearing about a scumbag who probably never should have been hired or on the streets in the first place is sickening to me. And to think, this tragedy may have been avoided if the justice system had stepped up to the plate and said "NO!" to reducing his bond. I have never known you but it upsets me too for what you are all going through. Reading your latest entry was even more upsetting to me realizing that her entire left leg is gone. I wish that there was a way I could make things back to the way they were for all of you but obviously, I can't. However, I wish for all the best for Molly and the rest of your family and hope for the best life for her as much as possible given the circumstances.

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your blog everyday and we at Notre Dame continue to pray for you. My individual prayer tonight will be for justice to be served and for the DA to really start pursuing this in the manner he should have long ago. Hang in there. I know it has to be tough, but know that many many many thoughts and prayers are with you from lots of people. Kathleen Daly Notre Dame School

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can't imagine how you are hurting.

there is nothing that anyone can do except continue to pray for Molly and your family.

nothing that CAN be done or WILL be done will change what HAS been done.

i am so very sorry ... i will continue to pray for you always.

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always thought that the limo drivers stood outside of the limo and waited untill everybody was safely in the car. Then actually shut the doors themselves. It sounds like this poor excuse for a human being did not do this, or take any precautions, or this tragedy would not have happened. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of the many lives he has either destroyed or caused pain. From his stepdaughter(why she defended him is beyond me), to Molly's classmates who witnessed this awful thing happen to her,to Molly's family and friends who are there with her everyday while she endures nightmare, and finally to Molly herself. Instead of her enjoying summer vacation and doing what young 17 yr old girls do on their summer breaks . She is in the hospital fighting for her life. A life that has been drastically changed by someones "alledged" carelessness. I really do beleive that justice will prevail. Also I would be intrested in making a pledge for the swim a thon how do we do that?

11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Expressing your anger seems very appropriate and very justified. And cathartic and healing.

This is a situation that makes lawyers seem like a good thing.

Someone who is careless and negligent should pay restitution.

Down the road, perhaps your precious daughter won't remember too much of this difficult phase of her recovery.

Warmest wishes,

11:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont believe in "everything happens for a reason" i believe you beautiful people dont deserve to have your family go through something like this. i know things look incredibly rough right now, and you are every bit justified in wanting some answers. i am not going to tell you to be patient, i am not going to tell you to force a smile, because you are feeling completely normal things right now. i know you need a miracle. i dont know if you are religous or not, but either way, i will pray for your daughter. i myself face clinical depression and am loaded up with prozac, my situation is no where near what you are forced to go through right now. but the point is, i know what it feels like to be in a state of helplessness and i guess all you can really do is have faith and enjoy the time you have with her now and the times you shared with her. who knows? maybe things will end up working out and she will pull through. so many people seem to care about what has happend, something is going to happen to this guy who did this. they will really throw the book at him, they are just taking their sweet time it sounds like. so many people have fallen in love with you and your family and we dont even know you, something will be done.

<3 sasha

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think i have heard anything like this. I am shocked that a limo driver would do this, because my sister just had a wedding and we got to ride in a hummer limo as well...and the driver closed our doors for this isnt making much sense, im thinking that this limo driver that your daughter had wasnt very good at his/her job. Im sure he is going to get in a large amount of trouble, just wait it out. And i hope to God that Molly makes it. Although i may not know her..i feel for what she is going through. Just about a month ago i fell and got a concussion..and hated what i had to go through..i cant even imagine what poor Molly has to endure.

I'll pray for her, even if your not religous, i hope that will lift your spirits.

<3 chrissy

11:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernie, thanks for sharing your feelings everyday. I continue to be so impressed with how you and Bob have handled the entire situation. Thre is no way for the rest of us to understand what you are going through. I do believe that we are lucky to live here and have the freedoms that we have but you don't want me to get started on my views of the legal, penal and judicial systems. Lets just say that we wouldn't have prisons full of people as there wouldn't be any need for it. Those that do hurt others in the way that Molly has been hurt would and should have to spend their time repaying in any way possible. Unfortunately that isn't how the system works and it does often work very slowly. It is very frustrating and there is no excuse for it. I hope that at some point you feel that some justice is achieved and I am sure it will be but I am afraid that true justice can never happen. Hang in there. We are ALL here for you. Baby steps.

12:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your entry yesterday was so painful to read. My office staff and I all read it together as we have all been following your story. We all cried for you. We all have children and the helplessness of the situation seems to make it so much worse.
I read all of the blogs before writing this one and just wanted to say that I know the DA and have known him for many years as well as his wife and children. They are you and I, nothing different. I realize what seems like an eternity is probably the necessary process by which to carefully prepare for what lies ahead. While it is understandable to be so frustrated and angry, some of the responses are ill-informed. Let us all pray that Mr. Morrissey has the ability to sort through this horrible mess and can come to a conclusion that will at least punish the responsible parties. And let us pray that he is able to do this straight away.
In the meantime, I hope that Molly has a good day. We are all getting ready for the swim-a-thon. I would rather not be seen in a swimming suit so I have chosen the more appropriate food route. I am so excited to see everyone come together for Molly. We want her to have all good things in life.

7:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mitch Morrissey will do the right thing...... isn't that why we elected him?
Hang in there Blooms, the BEST is yet to come......Still crying, still angry, but always praying and hoping and dreaming with you......ONE DAY AT A TIME... :0)
East Faculty Member

7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Molly and Bernie,

I know of your story through Abby Hetterich, my niece, and want you to know we are thinking of you every day and looking forward to the day that Molly and Abby can be together, sharing their healing process and supporting each other.

Bernie, I can't even begin to imagine what you go through every day as you watch your beautiful daughter fight her way through this struggle. As you know, my sister has been watching her daughter fight a very different battle. In the midst of Molly's struggle, you may have saved Abby's life by words you said to her at Molly's bedside. We are all very grateful to you for those words and for caring about Abby at that point in time. We would do anything we could to help your family, as you have helped ours!
We're watching for Molly's successes and wish for your family that every day will be a bit brighter than the day before.

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's one thing this guy did what he did. It's another thing how a guy who has no regard for children ends up behind the wheel of a hummer limo full of them. Part of the process needs to be looking at how that happens - because if this is how the system works, we've got a much bigger problem.

7:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Molly got a life sentence; that driver should too.

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Bob, Bernie, Katy, and Molly, As I get ready to take my baseball team to South Dakota for a tournament, I also am angry. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through at this time. The kids I coach are 13 year olds, and I have thought of what I would be like if this happed to my own sons. I know I wouldn't be as strong as you are, but it angers me that this dirt bag walks free. Let the media know what your feeling. I will check the site when I get back Monday. God bless you all. I can't put a joke in today, it doesn't feel right. If I can write to anyone in Denver, Please let me know. Denver Bob P.S. Mike has my e-mail address.

8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't begin to imagine the heart arch and complete frustration you’re feeling. I too am a parent of an East Angel and graduated from East myself. My daughter will be a sophomore next year and I know how deeply I love her and my son and would rather die than see them face something soo horrific. This incident was careless and should have never happened. As a parent how do you wrap your mind around that fact? You had no choice but to deal with this and that sucks. Granted, I don’t know you. However, from what I read, I know you're handling this nightmare with much more grace and dignity than I would or than most would. You sound like an incredible person. Stay strong for your daughters.
I am also addicted to your blog (never blogged before . . . is that even a word?) knowing that one day I’ll be reading about Molly WALKING out the door. For those that say they really want to help, click on the 24-4 Molly Swim a Thon link under Molly’s picture. Read the information and send in your donation. I too feel helpless but know this is something we can ALL do for the Bloom family. If you’re in Denver stop by Skyline and donate money, drinks or food to the swimmers. Finally, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom, I know you want your privacy from the media. There’s a time and a place for everything . . . even the media. This may be that time. Contact the TV stations and let them ask the questions. No politician wants negative press.

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I want to know is this-who allowed this monster out on bond??????

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Bloom, I greatly admire your heart-breaking candor.

I was encouraged to read the letter from the DA's office sent to the Livingstons (below). However, the minute the results come out if they are not to your complete satisfaction please let us all know, and we will stage a citizen's protest that will be heard as far as Washington DC!

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Molly, Bernie, Bob, and Katy,
Ever since I read the Post article last Sunday I've been extremely angry with all you've had to go through because of a limo driver's carelessness. What happened to Molly was so senseless and avoidable.
The extent of Molly's injuries blows me makes fighting cancer seem like a walk in the park! (not to belittle cancer and the pain, sickness, amputation,and uncertainity one endures, but I never had a trach, constant life threatening infections, fevers, etc. And though chemo and the side effects were horrible, I was done with it in 11 months and then played the waiting game. As unsettling as that is I'd take that over what Molly's going through!) Unfortunately, Molly is dealing with the fight of her Life NOW. But I know she and all of you will get through this.
It breaks my heart for you to say never...Life has and will change drastically for all of you, but please don't say never! Molly has a very bright future ahead of her. She will surprise you and herself with all that she will accomplish.
By the way Molly, I will be swimming with your team on Saturday. I'm not much of a swimmer so it will probably be a brief session...but I'm looking forward to the day you can give me some swim lessons. Lord knows I could use some!

Hang in there girl, we're all rooting for you!

Love to you all,

Martha Hill Gaskill

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In regards to the man who caused Molly's great fight...go figure. I had a series of three Denver parking tickets. I thought I had paid all of them. Yesterday I received a severe letter from the State of Colorado telling me that I will have my license taken away if I do not pay all of my fines. (By the way, I called down to the City and County and I had paid, I have the cancelled check to prove it.)
Now, if the powers that be, down at City Hall could place their energies towards making sure the owners of these beastly long limo's have drivers that are properly trained, licensed, and the companies are fully insured me thinks that would be a more productive use of time and effort.
When one is suffering the evening, the nights are always the worst, when the day comes, the sickness, the injury always seems just a little bit better.
I share your distain of the 'justice' that so far has not taken place.
Daily I pray for Molly and her family that collectively they will have the strength they all need to see this battle through.
I send you my love,
Old East Angel

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I wish you and your family the best. I will pray for you and especially Molly. It breaks my heart to see that a young life has been torn to pieces due to this person's negligence. We have 4 kids; my oldest is a 9 y/o girl and I feel that I would have lost total composure and done something stupid if it were her in Molly's place. Of course, there is an age difference between our daughters special, no matter what her age is. My girl is a bleeding heart and she wept when we told her exactly what had happen to Molly. I know that accidents happen but this individual clearly had a history and if he would have adhered to his court order of not being around anyone under 18 years of age, Molly perhaps wouldn't have suffered this terrible tragedy. The company on the other had should be liable for not following proper protocol for its employees. If they were aware, which they should have been as business owners, they should have never allowed this guy behind the wheel. I know that all the money in the world will not bring Molly's life back to normal but there are several parties that should be held accountable. The DA on the other hand, is a total coward for not having filed charges against the owners and the driver.

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love you miss molly...

12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is my first time reading your blog, I first heard about Molly, because I work at Denver Health Medical center...I was devastated when I heard what happend to Molly and have been rooting for her recovery. Please keep us all posted on her progress, you are in my prayers!!

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read the online news article of a Denver newspaper ... I am so sorry for Molly and family and friends !!! Will send a prayer chain and pass on her blog !!!

On a different note, it might be best if you did not accept a reimbursement from the limo company ... I suggest a good lawyer under such a horrendous incidence !!! You might be signing away certain rights by accepting a refund :-( Sad but possible :-(

12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you're down and out- when you're on the street. When evening falls so hard, I will comfort you. I'll take your part, o when darkness comes- and pain is all around.
I'll be your bridge o' troubled water, when you down I will carry you- like a bridge o' troubled water, i will lay me down.

We sang this at graduation and I still sing it for you everyday. I love you so much- hopefully I can sing it in person someday, maybe at the habitat?! I'm coming to see you soon, I promise.

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Channel 7 news just put an article on ther website about Molly. It says to watch 7news at 4 pm and 5 pm to see the district attorney's response.

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know DA Mitch Morrissey well, and he's a good man. His daughter actually attended the East prom that night and his family is praying for Molly. Trust him to do the right thing on this.

1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never met your family, but I decided to read about Molly's progress. Please know that you and your family will be in my prayers.. Molly - please hang in there - remember that "When God closes a door, He opens a window..". This may not help you now, but please know that God has a plan for your life. Please, all of you, hold onto your faith now. God Bless all of you and keep your family safe..

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Molly's accident stunned me and reading your blog reminds me a lot of a friend who was in a similar situation back in November 2002. Her recovery has been slow as well but take strength in her story and know that you are not alone. Her webpage and blogspot are listed below.

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernie, I am always filled with admiration and respect for your strength and courage during these stressful times. Your beloved angel Molly is such a fighter, and it's easy to see where she gets her spirit. All of you are in my thoughts. Keep on keeping on, and if it helps, think of us "out there" who don't know you but pray for your family as some kind of cosmic safety net who are surrounding you with our love and wrapping you in our invisible arms.

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just was sent the e-mail about Molly. Your family has touched my heart with your love for each other and the strength and determination shown by all of you.
I just want to say that anytime I have ridden in a limosine the driver stayed by the loading doors and waited until all passengers were in then the driver checked all the doors to make sure they were securely closed and they entered traffic slowly not like a bat out of hell. I am sure this man has broken all the protocol's for professional drivers.
God Bless You All. I can not imagine the pain in your heart.

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right. This man has damaged the lives of two young women now and the justice system seems to be in his favor! What can we do to help? Do we need signatures? A petition? How can we get the DA to act and make this man pay for his actions appropriately this time?

3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Blooms:

I can completely understand your anger. How could the driver be so lazy?? I hope that an investigation is completed soon. We continue to think about you and are grateful that we can help in some small way with the swim a thon.

the Fruhwirth's
Loren , Jill, Jeff and Jessica

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea what you are going through right now. I just thought I would let you know that I am praying for you and I hope Molly has a healthy recovery.

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As one of the students involved, I'll just say to have faith that the DA is taking his time so he can figure out how many ways to nail this child molesting drunk driver. Also, put some pressure on this Limo company. They have yet to fire the driver, or refund our money (despite the fact that they were unable to fulfill their end of the contract due to their limo being made a crime scene less than halfway through the rental. [the credit card was billed after the accident, they've got some balls, huh?]). You can reach the Owner, Richard Perricone, (whose balls are so enourmous that he pulled a stunt like showing up to the hospital that night in a rhinestone encrusted tux to offer rides in, get this, an SUV limo) by calling
Fifth Ave N Style Limousine
2690 S Federal Blvd, Denver, CO
- (303) 936-7895

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for your pain, even more for Molly's ... but reading this doesn't make clear what crime you believe was commited. Was the driver drunk or high or medicated or driving on a revoked license? Motor vehicle accidents happen every day with tragic results, but they are accidents and not criminal acts.

7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should hire a legal consultant to help you with this process.

In the Rocky Mountain News today on Page 30A, you are quoted lecturing the D.A. That is not in your best interest and highlights to me that some professional, objective legal input could help you greatly.

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The DA owes it to Mr and Mrs Bloom to answer their questions. He works for them

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

However the papers spin it, Mrs. Bloom expressed the anguish that any parent would feel in these circumstances and asked the DA to contact her. The DA, appropriately, responded by calling her and stated publicly that they will try to keep better communication. Their commitment "to keep communication clear" with victims and their families is also stated on their web site.

As to the validity of concerns about criminal activity, the police have clearly felt that a criminal investigation was needed. In response to my email, a representative from the DA's office said that the police investigation may be wrapping up soon, that the office will then conduct its review and a filing decision will be made.

It was because of Mrs. Bloom's request that this information became available.

East High Mom

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is hard to read knowing of your favorite jeans and socks, knowing this could of happened to anyone of us. thinking parts of you will be there today and maybe not tomarrow this pains me to think about let alone having donr to you we all love you molly

9:59 PM  

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