Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

One year ago tomorrow, Molly was celebrating her 18th birthday in her hot, tiny hospital room at Children's Hospital. She couldn't get out of bed. She was in tremendous pain and heavily medicated. Thanks to her friends and the staff at the hospital, she did get to have a party with just her friends. This year, on July 13, Molly will be swimming for six hours at the Swim-a-poolooza. The money from this event will be used to help others like Molly who want to get back to a more normal lifestyle. There are so many out there that need help. We were blessed by the generosity of this community last year and are looking forward to paying this kindness forward. Stop by the pool and help us make our first fund raiser a huge success. Thank you all for your support of Molly and hopefully, Bloom Again: The Molly Blooom Foundation. Love, health, and happiness to all of you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Bloom family,

I live in NJ so I cannot attend this fundraiser, but want you all to know that I will be thinking of you all and routing you on from here.

I hope you know that I come to this site regularly to be inspired and hope that you continue to post about future events, Molly's progress and ways people can help.

I am sure that there are many who still check in on this site, so please don't think that just because there are not alot of comments left for you that no one is checking in.

God bless all of you as you continue to heal and soar on this amazing journey.

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

happybirthday molly. i love you. wish i could be there with my mommmy. take care of her how to swim. hehehe.

love jilly!

8:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't been on the blog for a while. Just saw the info about the fundraiser on Channel 9. Did I not read as well as I should - how can we donate to the Molly Bloom Foundation?

Happy Birthday - you're making me feel old!

I'm so proud of you and pleased that you are doing so well! Doesn't surprise me one bit.

Toni Knight

6:45 PM  

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